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Together, We Are Meeting the Needs of Today While Providing Hope for Tomorrow

2025 Swing into Spring Logo

Swing into Spring is Back
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Who We Are

The Singletons is a homegrown, Arizona based, nonprofit devoted to meeting the needs of single-parent families battling cancer by providing strength, hope, resources and community. Here at The Singletons, we are a family.

Life Doesn’t Stop Because of a Cancer Diagnosis

Single parents with cancer find themselves in an unimaginable position. Now more than ever, discovering life’s little rainbows is essential for lifting spirits during these unsettling times. We want to be the sunlight shining through dark clouds creating those rainbows for families.

Singletons Kitchen

Provides nutritious family dinners to simplify meal preparation and promote time spent together as a family.


Singletons Seeds of Strength

Wellness Beyond Cancer Workshops allow families to focus on time spent together, creating beautiful memories and learning healthy, loving, and practical life skills such as growing food in small spaces, cooking classes, financial literacy for youth, and FUN.

Singletons Bare Necessities

Supplies a family’s home with essential household items, such as laundry detergent, paper towels, toilet paper, etc.

Singletons Kids

Creates experiences filled with fun activities and special occasion gifts for Singletons kids to help create the happy childhood memories they deserve.

Learn More About Our Program Support

Your generosity and compassion will give strength and smiles to a family in need. Make a difference by donating or signing up to volunteer today.

Every Family Has a Story to Share

Take a moment to read about the stories of Singletons families.

Do you want to join The Singletons mission?
Be the hope for single-parent families living with cancer.


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